Floral skirts
I my new look for winter will include a lot of floral skirts, combined with warmer clothes, for a chic-pop outfit.
It is as simple as 1,2,3: choose a floral skirt with springy flowers, in vivid colors, add wool opaque tights in your color of choice (black or white for mainly white skirts, matching the main color of the skirt otherwise) and a warm sweater. Combine those clothes with boots or peep-toe pumps if the weather is not that bad. And there you have it! A chic fall-winter outfit, that does not look at all dark and sad!
* skirts, La Redoute (laredoute.fr)
* tights, DIM, laredoute.fr
* sweater, Bottega Veneta, net-a-porter.com
* pumps, Jessica Simpson, overstock.com
Si eu am investit deja in doua fuste de genul acesta. Am gasit niste modele florale f faine. Mai caut insa ciorapii potriviti, ca nuanta: am cumparat deja doua perechi si nici una dintre ele nu se potriveste la vreo fusta. Ma rog, mai caut:) Oricum, sunt f faine si abia astept sa le port toamna aceasta. Si poate si la iarna, de ce nu?
Mda! In romania cu ciorapii mai fancy e mai greu :(
Mie imi place Modex (asa parca ii zice), o firma din Sibiu producatoare de ciorapi. Au modele interesante, culori mai neobisnuite, si nici nu sunt asa scumpe (cum sunt de exemplu la Golden Point)...
Mondex Sibiu. Da, uite ca la ei nu am incercat! Adevarul e ca, la Golden Point, ciorapii chiar sunt mai scumpi decat ar trebui. Ce am vazut la ei interesant insa, acum, sunt niste jambiere ciudătele: ceva ce nu gasesti in alta parte. Dar eu nu port jambiere deloc,asa ca... Incerc la Mondex!
Colourful combination :)
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