Monday, August 10, 2009

Saturday: Hearts & umbrellas

Going to a pool birthday party!

* umbrellas print dress,
* Blue Lady Dragon Shoes, Vivienne Westwood Anglomania for Melissa
* "L'affaire est dans le sac" red bag by Irina Volkonskii for Sephora

Look! Cute shoes!


Anonymous said...

Sunt superbi pantofii!ii ador!!xoxo

Ivelina FriChic said...

Yes, I adore this design and they smell nice, right :)

Kira Aderne said...

oh my!
You look so beautiful with those shoes and the great dress! I am in love >>>>>

verde ursuz said...

Hi there! Ne bucurăm să vedem că începe să prindă şi la noi moda blogurilor cu Daily Outfits. Îţi vom adăuga blogul pe pagina noastră: Comunitatea iubitorilor de vintage din România. Te aşteptăm să ne vizitezi şi să cauţi haine prin cufărul bunicii alături de alţi iubitori ai hainelor de acum jumătate de secol.

Dana (MODAna) said...

adorable!!! vivienne westwood :)

Abingdonian said...

I love your style so much, so inspiring!

I have bought the ASOS dress and it arrived today so thanks for that one :-)

I love the shoes too but they don't come in my size.

carola said...

great-great outfit!!!

Unknown said...

Sunt absolut superbi pantofii! Imi place blogul tau, in sfarsit apare si la noi ceva de genul asta.

Unknown said...

Hey you are looking just amazing and gorgeous and your Vivienne Westwood Anglomania shoes are just awesome!